

Many of the internal defaults of PhotoRealistic RenderMan can be controlled by configuration files named rendermn.ini. These configuration files are read at the time of the call to RiBegin, before any other Ri calls are processed. For defaults that correspond to an Ri call, the Ri call, if present, will override the default value. The initial configuration file is found in the ${RMANTREE}/etc directory.

  • Important

    All of the settings in the rendermn.ini file are site-configurable, but we highly recommend that, rather than editing the file in your installation directory ($RMANTREE/etc), you create a duplicate file containing your site-specific overrides. The renderer will check for any site-specific .ini files in your $HOME directory and any directory indicated by the $RDIR environment variable, as well as the current directory. Note that the file in the $HOME directory can optionally have a leading "." to make it a hidden file.

The configuration file format is a set of lines containing strings. The first string on the line is the name of the default and the rest of the line specify its default value. Environment variables may be referenced inside the configuration file using the following special syntax:


Undefined environment variables default to the empty string, except for ${RMANTREE}, which defaults to /usr/local/prman. Lines beginning with a # are ignored.

The following is a list of some of the defaults that can be set in configuration files that are relevant to PhotoRealistic RenderMan. Note that there are also various display drivers that also read defaults from this file, and those defaults are documented in the ディスプレイドライバ reference section.

Sets the directory where the error message files are to be found. The renderer and tools will look in this directory when reporting errors. If set, this directory overrides the compiled default of ${RMANTREE}/etc/messages.
Specifies a fully qualified name of the license file. Usage of /licenseserver can include either a pointer to a license server machine, e.g. 9010@hostname (where "hostname" is the name of the license server), or an explicit path to a pixar.license file, e.g. ${RMANTREE}/etc/pixar.license. Note that the pixar.license file, in the latter case, can be either a node-locked license or a redirect to a license server.
/displaytype/framebuffer | /displaytype/file
Allows a one level translation of the display type framebuffer or file, as specified in an RiDisplay call, to an alternate display type. The default translations for file is tiff, and the default translation for framebuffer is to use the value of the RMANFB environment variable if set, otherwise it will use x11 or windows, depending on the system.
Overrides the default x resolution (width) of the display type displaytype.
Overrides the default y resolution (height) of the display type displaytype. This line is
Overrides the default pixel aspect ratio of the display type displaytype.
Now obsolete. For backwards compatibility, if this specifies the name of an external display driver (something other than internal), the new display system will attempt to open it and write to it using the old display protocol.
Translation from a driver name to a file name before the search paths for the display driver DSOs are used. %s is replaced with the driver name.
Path to the display driver DSOs.
Secondary path to the display driver DSOs.
Overrides the /display/dsopath with the path name for a specific DSO display driver.

Sets the compression algorithm to be used for the internal tiff driver. The default value is zip. Alternate values are packbits, pixarlog, lzw or none. Note: At this time many third party software packages do not support the default, zip, compression scheme. Packbits or no compression may be most convenient for images for use with these other software packages (PhotoShop, DeBabelizer, etc). Files that are rendered using the zip compression scheme can be converted using the utility program tiffcopy to change the compression.

zip - provides compression with the algorithm used by the popular gzip program. Output files are usually smaller than those produced using lzw compression. zip is purported to be unencumbered by patents and is supported by the libtiff library available for free from Silicon Graphics. The actual zip compression is implemented using a freely available library written by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.

pixarlog - If TIFF files with more than eight bits per pixel are required and portability is not an issue, sixteen bit or floating point pixel data can be written using pixarlog compression. pixarlog compands the input data preserving more data that is usually detectable by the human eye while creating files that compress much better than regular sixteen bit data. Pixar is donating pixarlog compression to the libtiff library maintained at Silicon Graphics so it will be available for use in other software.

packbits - provides Macintosh PackBits compression as defined in the TIFF 6.0 specification Section 9. This compression very portable. It is handled by most readers of TIFF files. Its drawback is that it does not compress as well as the other compression choices.

lzw - provides Lempel-Ziv & Welch compression as defined in TIFF 6.0 specification Section 13.

none - stores the file without compression. Output files can be quite large, but virtually any valid TIFF reader should be able to read them.

Sets the compression algorithm to be used for the internal texture driver when creating OpenEXR format textures. The default value is none. Alternate values are rle, zip, piz, pxr24, b44, or b44a.
When using an external file driver that requires the image in scanline order, the dspyserver requires a temporary file whose size depends on the size of the image being rendered. This configuration value sets the directory location for this file, which defaults to /usr/tmp.

Sets the file search path for RIS shading plug-ins. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("searchpath", "rixplugin", (RtPointer)&*spath*, RI_NULL);

except that the configuration file changes the search path before any RIS shading plug-ins are loaded. See PRMan Options: Search Paths for details of the path format.


Sets the string that will be the translation of the @ character for the /rixpluginpath default or RiOption call. The default value is:


Sets the file search path for shader files. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("searchpath", "shader", (RtPointer)&*spath*, RI_NULL);

except that the configuration file changes the search path before any shaders (including defaultsurface) are loaded. See PRMan Options: Search Paths for details of the path format.

Sets the string that will be the translation of the @ character for the /shaderpath default or RiOption call. The default value is ${RMANTREE}/lib/shaders. See PRMan Options: Search Paths for details of the path format.

Sets the file search path for texture files. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("searchpath", "texture", (RtPointer)&*tpath*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: Search Paths for details of the path format.

Sets the string that will be the translation of the @ character for the /texturepath default or RiOption call. The default value is ${RMANTREE}/lib/textures. See PRMan Options: Search Paths for details of the path format.

Sets the default bucketsize used by the renderer. The value should be two decimal numbers separated by a space. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("limits", "bucketsize", (RtPointer)&*bs*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: Limits: Bucket Size for more details.


Sets the default maximum gridsize used by the renderer. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("limits", "gridsize", (RtPointer)&*gs*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: Limits: Grid Size for more details.


Sets the default size in kilobytes of the texture memory cache used by the renderer. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("limits", "texturememory", (RtPointer)&*tm*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: Limits: テクスチャ Memory for more details.


Sets the default size in kilobytes of the brick cache used by the renderer. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("limits", "brickmemory", (RtPointer)&*tm*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: Limits: テクスチャ Memory for more details.


Sets the default size in kilobytes of the geometry cache used by the renderer for ray tracing. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("limits", "geocachememory", (RtPointer)&*tm*, RI_NULL);`

See PRMan Options: Ray Tracing for more details.

Sets the default output texture format used by the RiMakeテクスチャ, RiMakeEnvironment, and RiMakeShadow interface calls as well as the standalone txmake utility. May be one of: "tiff", "pixar", or "openexr".
Indirectly sets the maximum number of file descriptors used by the texture subystem of the renderer. The renderer will use the maximum of current operating system limit or the maxfiles setting (see below), minus the sum of the filesmargin setting and /prman/texture3d/maxfiles. In other words, this setting reserves a number of file descriptors for use by DSOs or other parts of the renderer. The default setting is 20.
Sets the maximum number of file descriptors used by the texture subsystem of the renderer, minus the filesmargin setting (see above) and /prman/texture3d/maxfiles (see below).
Sets the maximum number of file descriptors used by the 3D texture subsystem (brick maps and point clouds) of the renderer. If unset, the default setting is 64.
Sets the default shading rate used by the renderer. This is equivalent to the RiシェーディングRate call. See RiシェーディングRate for more information.

Sets the default shader debugging level. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("shading", "int debug", (RtPointer)&*debug*, RI_NULL);`

See PRMan Options: シェーディング for more details.


Sets the default size of the shader definition cache. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("shading", "float defcache", (RtPointer)&*dc*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: シェーディング for more details.


Sets the default size of the shader object cache. This is equivalent to the call:

RiOption("shading", "float objectcache", (RtPointer)&*oc*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: シェーディング for more details.


Declares a new Light Path Expression macro, for example:

/prman/lpe/macro/myDiffuse    CD<L.>

See Light Pathエクスプレッション documentation for more details.


Set a user signal LPE number (from 1 to 8). For example:

/prman/lpe/user2 Albedo

See Light Pathエクスプレッション documentation for more details.

If set to zero, disables execution of RiSystem commands.

Sets the character used by the RIB parser to indicate variable expansion should occur. This is equivalent to:

RiOption("ribparse", "string varsubst", (RtPointer)&*vs*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: RIB Authoring for more details.


Sets the default directory used for micropolygon cache files. This is equivalent to:

RiOption("stochastic", "string mpcachedir", (RtPointer)&*mpcd*, RI_NULL);

See PRMan Options: Hiders: Micropolygon Caching for more details.

Controls dlopen behavior of shared objects on Linux. If the value of this setting is sog or .sog, PRMan will pass RTLD_GLOBAL to dlopen() when opening any plugin that has the .sog extension.

Appendix A

Following is an example of typical overrides in a custom configuration file:

/displaytype/file           tiff
/display/tiff/compression   zip
/display/tiff/xres          640
/display/tiff/yres          480
/display/tiff/par           1
/errorpath                  ${RMANTREE}/etc/messages
/dspyserver                 ${RMANTREE}/etc/dspyserver
/licensefile                ${RMANTREE}/etc/license.dat
/licenseserver              ${RMANTREE}/etc/pixar.license
/standardshaderpath         ${RMANTREE}/lib/shaders
/standardtexturepath        ${RMANTREE}/lib/textures
/shaderpath                 .:@
/texturepath                .:@
/prman/bucketsize           12 12
/prman/gridsize             512
/prman/texturememory        8192
/prman/shadingrate          1