Additional Components

Additional Components

RenderMan ships with various programs, files, and other resources that comprise and abet the renderer. These components reside under the $RMANTREE in the following directories:


Contains the "programs" - the executables, utilities, scripts and .so's that are run in the course of things.


The /etc directory is a repository for supplemental plugins, initialization files, and subsidiary components. See the Plugins section for more information.


This directory is home to the required header files.


The /lib directory contains additional resources, example files, and external resources used by PRMan, including:

  • libprman.dylib -
  • /lib/rsl/include - is a repository for the updated stdrsl header files, intended to facilitate composition of modern production shaders.
  • /lib/rsl/shaders - contains example shaders, embodying "plausible" shading techniques and using the aforementioned header files.
  • /lib/examples - contains RIB files and compiled shaders that provide renderable examples of Deep テクスチャ rendering, "plausible" shading, the re-rendering modes of PRMan, and volume rendering.
  • /lib/textures - contains useful and example textures.
  • /lib/shaders - is a repository for "Old School" example shaders and the Standard RenderMan Interface Shaders. The example shaders herein embody pre-RSL 2 shading techniques and should be considered "interesting historical relics."
  • /lib/thirdparty - is a repository for open source DSOs used by, for example, the SVG plugin, as well as other tools.