
IceMan Reference Guide


Most of these functions correspond to the C math library equivalents, and are called on a per-pixel basis. Given the limited precision of Fractional and FixedPoint types, some operations must be used with care. (Values are automatically clamped to the legal range).

ice.Image Abs()
Absolute value.
ice.Image Add(b)
b: second operand (ice.Image).

Add two images.

ice.Image AddWrap(b)
b: second operand (ice.Image).

Add two images, but wrap the result so that it falls in the range 0-1. Something like a floating point modulo operation.

ice.Image ACos()
Inverse cosine.
ice.Image ASin()
Inverse sine.
ice.Image ATan()
Inverse tangent.
ice.Image ATan2(x)
x: Base (ice.Image).

Inverse tangent operation. The image being operated upon is the perpendicular, or y.

ice.Image Ceil()
Round up to nearest integer.
ice.Image Cos()
ice.Image Cosh()
Hyperbolic cosine.
ice.Image Divide(b)
b: Denominator (ice.Image).

Divide one image by another: the image being operated upon is the numerator.

ice.Image Exp()
Inverse natural logarithm.
ice.Image Floor()
Round down to nearest integer.
ice.Image Hypot(b)
b: Second side of the "triangle" (ice.Image).

Compute the hypotenuse of a triangle: the image being operated upon is the first operand.

ice.Image Ln()
Natural logarithm.
ice.Image Max(b)
b: Second operand (ice.Image).

Result is the maximum of the two inputs.

ice.Image Min(b)
b: Second operand (ice.Image).

Result is the minimum of the two inputs.

ice.Image Multiply(b)
b: Multiplicand (ice.Image).

Multiply two images. The multiplier is the image being operated upon.

ice.Image MultiplyAccumulate(b, c)
b: Scale (ice.Image).
c: Offset (ice.Image).

Mutiply image a by b and add c.   

ice.Image MultiplyComplement(b)
b: Second operand (ice.Image).

Implements a * (1 − b). a  is the image being operated upon.

ice.Image Pow(b)
b: Second operand (ice.Image).

Raise this image to the b power.

ice.Image Round()
Round to nearest integer.
ice.Image Sign()
Signum function. Return value is 1 for positive values, and −1 for negative ones. (Note: Should probably be called Sgn(), to conform to common mathematics convention).
ice.Image Sine()
Sine function.
ice.Image Sinh()
Hyperbolic sine.
ice.Image SmoothStep(min, max)
min: Lower threshold (ice.Image).
max: Upper threshold (ice.Image).

Return 0 if less than the lower threshold, 1 if greater than the upper threshold, and smoothly varying in between. (A cubic is used, with c1 continuity at both ends).

ice.Image Subtract(b)
b: Subtrahend (ice.Image).

Subtract two images.  The minuend is the image being operated upon.

ice.Image Tan()
Tangent function.
ice.Image Tanh()
Hyperbolic tangent.